Author: Sara Wise
Nov 15, 2022
Hey there, now believe it or not I am disabled but you wouldn’t know it from looking at me. I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and yes I’ve been through the wringer. Like most disabilities, I was born with it and the symptoms started when I was just three years old. Now no I don’t want your pity or anything I am just telling you this for context and to let anyone out there who has a disability that I do in fact understand. I know I know racism, sexism, and homophobia take precedence, but we still have an issue with disability rights. Yes, I know that people with disabilities have help from the government and that laws have been placed protecting disabled people from getting fired from jobs because of their disabilities. I have been fired from a job because of my disability I mean they wouldn’t come right out and say that that was the reason why but I figured it out using context clues. I have been bullied all my life because I have stopped walking, lost my eyesight, and had trouble talking. All the fun stuff. You see even though there are laws, assistance, and of course the doctors and nurses who help us. There are still peo[le out there who not only judge us for our disabilities but are mean, rude, and above all just cruel to people like us. Some ‘want’ to help and through that, they end up diagnosing you for themselves. This is more than wrong, rude, and just cruel to people who sadly have a disability and their doctors there are also the people who come right out and say that ‘you’d be better/prettier/nicer/and smarter if you weren’t disabled.’ Then there is my favorite kind of person. The type of person who purposefully make fun of you, but in a comedic way so degrading sounds better. Luckily there are many people who see you as a human being and not as your disability. I know that you’re probably sick and tired of hearing me complain. You probably just want to read about the facts of ableism and how disabled people are discriminated against. I know I would. So the rest of this article will state the facts. So without further or do. Here are the facts that I know you are so desperately craving.
You don’t have to tell me twice that it’s not fair because I know. Trust me I know. The thing is that people who are chronically ill or disabled are four times more likely to have depression and commit suicide. The thought of it is terrifying in itself. imagine having a disability and living your day-to-day life knowing that it could all end tomorrow. Some of the issues that come with disability can be resolved by giving the disabled person an equal opportunity. For example, if a wheelchair becomes ill-functioning, then it is possible to have a ramp constructed to allow the disabled person access. If there are height restrictions in a place of work, then it may be possible for elevators or lifts to be installed if required.
“The need for international standards on disability rights has been acknowledged since the United Nations’ World Conference on Human Rights in 1993.”
Some people assume that disabled people are less capable than the non-disabled. This is called ableism. It can be seen in how society treats disabled people, as well as in how they are portrayed in media.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) defines disability as: “any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.” This means that if you have a physical impairment, like if you can’t walk, then you’re disabled. If you have a mental impairment and it affects your daily life, like if you have depression and it’s difficult to do things like work or socialize, then you’re also considered disabled.
This section discusses the issue of disabled rights and ableism. Ableism is a form of prejudice or discrimination against those who have disabilities. It means that people can’t or won’t use a product because it was designed for disabled people and may not be accessibleThe ADA was passed to protect the rights of those with disabilities, but also to ensure that buildings are accessible for them to visit and use, as well as new technologies being accessible for them as well.
Disabled people are often overlooked or forgotten in society and this becomes a bigger problem when attempting to create an accessible design. disabled individuals should have input on the content of public spaces, physical as well as digital
-Online accessibility for all is a hard challenge for website developers and webmasters.
There are accessibility guidelines that website developers can use to make sure that the websites they build are accessible to dIsabled users.
-disabled individuals need to be included in online discussions about their needs if we want them to have an equal opportunity for employment and life fulfillment. It is a social construction and ableism that the body is disabled. Disability, while a collection of physical disabilities and mental health disabilities, is based on the idea of difference and categorisation.
The first use of the term ‘disabled’ was in 1944 to describe people who weren’t able to enter into military service as a result of their wartime injuries.
Ableism disregards people who are differently abled or limits them because they are seen as inferior beings. disabled people are subject to discrimination, prejudice and social exclusion in every field of life. Ableism is a form of oppression that places a particular stigma on disabled people as inferior and less deserving.There are a lot of articles written about the topic, but not many that talk about the discrimination from the perspective of disabled people themselves.
What’s the best way to engage with the issue? What can we do? AT the personal level, now, that I am following programs of UNESCO BMW, I feel that I can come out from the mud and even help others to find their way toward success.”
Sara Wise Articles
- AbleismHey there, now believe it or not I am disabled but you wouldn’t know it from looking at me. I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and yes I’ve been through the wringer. Like mo…
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