Author: Sara Wise
Jun 14, 2022

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I want to tell you about letting go and how to love yourself. I know that we all have our own little problems in life and I’m not telling you to get over it.

Trust me, I’ve held grudges, gone into deep depression and I have even fallen down the rabbit hole of self-pity.

However, recently, I’ve learned some things to boost my own well-being and self-love.
Here are some tips: 1. going outside, getting that vitamin D, can really help you in many different ways. 2. exercising is a little know way to reduce your depression and gain more self-confidence. 3. Journaling, is a great way to get your emotions and thoughts out.

Plus, you can do it without other people knowing your secrets, thoughts or emotions. Now, to gain self-love, I’d suggest finding something that will give you purpose whether that may be a job, volunteering, or going to school.

Just find something that will fill your time and is good for your soul. Be yourself, because you will attract like-minded people, and believe it or not, being social can really help your mental health.

All of these suggestions can and will help you feel better, but you don’t have to do ALL of them at once. Don’t overwhelm yourself. If you do, you’ll be more likely to give up and start to go backwards again.

Join our UNESCO BMW for world inner peace. thank you!

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