Why do we mark International Days?
International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources, to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity.
As UNESCO BMW, following the foot print of UN and UNESCO, we focus on 4 special celebrations:
Autumn September Global Peace, Social Justice and Personal Health
Winter November Children/Youth for Ecosystem with enhancement smart Sustainable Jobs
Summer May Dialogue and Cultural diversity with Exhibitions and Workshops
Spring March Women‘s empowerment Day
Meditation for Life’s Chaos – June 2022
A 9 Day meditation program to introduce you to meditation to bring mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Sessions available on Zoom and YouTube.
UNESCO Youth World Peace Day
The idea is to realize one’s true potential and the resources available within, which in turn, can particularly help youth face and solve the problems they are facing. Today’s youth… Read More »UNESCO Youth World Peace Day
UNESCO BMW Youth for Climate Action
Since climate change especially affects younger generations, UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club (UNESCO BMW), in collaboration with Hood College, is pleased to offer a free 90-minute online program entitled “Youth… Read More »UNESCO BMW Youth for Climate Action
Feldenkrais Program
We at Body & Mind Wellness Club invite you to join us for a Feldenkrais Method workshop to experience how we can learn to be aware of ourselves through movement: for this January 22 from 9:00 Am to 10:30 AM NY Time. Everyone is invited!