UNESCO Body and Mind Wellness is going to have basic, intermediate and advance wellness sessions for your own upliftment based on Sahaja Yoga Meditation method.
Each session is designed for 8 weeks for basic, and at the conclusion, those who attend for at least 6 of them, will receive a certificate of attendance. You can also continue your journey with 8 weeks intermediate and 8 weeks advanced sessions. For all 24 weeks of Mental and Emotional Wellness Sessions, you can get your certificate with 80% of attendance.

The sessions will be offered on site in our downtown Frederick UNESCO Center and online. Contact us: https://unescobmw.org/contact-us/ or write us: info@unescobmw.org.
For enrollment and to receive the forms, please write: info@unescobmw.org. We look forward to guiding you on your wellness journey and helping you achieve a state of balance and harmony in body and mind. Join us at UNESCO Body and Mind Wellness for a transformative experience.

Please fill out this form before and after each session. Don’t worry, your data will be secured!

We understand that in today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace is essential. Our stress relief and mental/emotional wellness sessions are designed to provide you with a range of practices to help you relax, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.


At the UNESCO BMW Club, we believe that taking care of your mental/emotional well-being is just as important as caring for your physical appearance. Our Mental/Emotional Wellness Sessions provide you with tools to manage stress and find harmony in your busy life.

24 weeks online sessions:

Here you can find schedule for every week’s session: Download Now

Fill up the tracker: Test yourself before and after sessions: Here

Week – 1: Self Realization

Introduction to the Week 1:
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Week – 2: Balancing Techniques

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Week – 3: Left Channel

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Emotional Channel:

Protective Shield:

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Week – 4: Right Channel

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Action/Mental Channel:

Week – 5: Central Channel

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Week – 6: Foot Soaking

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Week – 7: Candling

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Week – 8: Ice-pack

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Week – 9: First Center-Pelvic Plexus

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Week – 10: Second Ctr.-Aortic Plexus

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Aortic Plexus:

Week – 11: third Ctr. Solar Plexus

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Week – 12: Void

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Week – 13: Center Cardiac Plexus

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Week – 14: Left Cardiac Plexus

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Week – 15: Right Cardiac Plexus

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Week – 16: Cervical Plexus

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Week – 17: Optic Chiasma

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Week – 18: Limbic Area

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Week – 19: Earth Element

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Week – 20: Fire Element

Week – 21: Water Element

Week – 22: Air Element

Week – 23: Ether Element

Week – 24: Light Element


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Day 10- Flute Music and Meditation!

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More Balancing

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Another Simple Meditation

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Here are some of the events we have done in the past

From the love of chakras to Universal Love!

First Chakra: The foundation of universal love

Second Chakra: The knowledge of universal love

Third Chakra: The mastery of universal love

Fourth Chakra: The confidence of universal love

Fifth Chakra: The expression of universal love

Sixth Chakra: The peace of universal love

Seventh Chakra: The union with universal love

Read about ” Pearls of the Peace Land Project”, based on UN 2030 SDGs

UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness for Global Peace!

UNESCO BMW has provided inner peace practices to the community of Frederick Maryland, USA, and beyond since 2014. Each session is one hour long and is designed to support and uplift emotional and mental well-being through inner awareness practices for all ages, especially the youth. Stress management, anxiety reduction, and life balance/purpose are some of the many benefits. This program is especially useful for behavioral health care, emotional, social, and cognitive development.

5 good reasons why everyone should join the BMW Meditation courses:
resilience, stress relief, better health, focus and joy of living

Let us now experience the state of inner peace meditation. It is spontaneous and simple! Simply follow the hand placement sequence and say the verbal affirmations to yourself quietly. For each affirmation, repeat several times and say them slowly and deeply from your heart. Let yourself enjoy the experience! Once you reach and say the last affirmation at the top of the head, simply enjoy the mental silence and watch any thoughts just go by as if watching the thoughts going across a movie screen. This is your time to reset the bar of stress, so give yourself this time to enjoy! Once you open your eyes, notice how the outer world has become calmer, clearer and softer. For more info, click on the link after these slides.