Persian Classes in DMV (district of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia)

Unity and cooperation of Iranians of all three regions live in DMV united
How: stabilizing our-self in Frederick MD under the roof of UNESCO BMW Center and requesting other cities and counties to join us
When: Every Tuesday at 7 pm. Please stay tuned with our Persian Drum Circle announcements on the website. Disclaimer: This group is open to all cultures and ethnicity with the purpose of global peace and especially those similar to Persian flavor such as Middle- East and beyond.

Learn the ancient Persian frame drum “DAF” with Kamyar Arsani

Sufi poetry and music of whirling dervishes spring from the Daf and you can learn transcendental rhythms and poetry in this class
Sessions begin has capacity of maximum 5 students per class
*Please bring your own Daf

Kamyar Arsani is an Avant-Garde multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter from Tehran, Iran. Through his solo work and numerous collaborations, Arsani creates music across an array of styles: ranging from contemporary Persian music to Punk Rock and genre-defying electronic experimentation. A teacher, scholar and performer of the Daf (the Iranian frame drum), Arsani has been hailed by the Washington Post and has been a featured artist at the Kennedy Center, the Library of Congress, Voice of America, Georgetown University and numerous other stages and workshops.

Dance Class with Negar

Class Schedule coming soon

Negar is an Iranian-American artist with a strong passion for the visual and
performing arts. For her, art is a medium to communicate whatever is going on in her bubble with the rest of the world. So in a way, her artworks are the stories of a Middle Eastern immigrant woman residing in the US, trying to stay resilient against life’s crises.