
What is the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem?

Celebrated on July 26th, this day represents the significance of preserving and protecting mangrove ecosystems. Mangroves are a vital component in the intersection between land and sea as they provide a nursery for both wildlife and humans.  With mangroves disappearing at three to five times the rate of global forest loss, it is crucial that mangroves are recognized as the key players in maintaining the harmonious balance of nature. 

What is the importance of mangroves?  

Although many are quick to dismiss mangroves as simply a minor part of global ecosystems,  their role cannot be understated. Mangroves act as sanctuaries for a wide variety of species from sea life, such as fish and crustaceans, to kangaroos and even honeybees. Furthermore, mangroves provide a way of life for coastal communities as they utilize them for protection against storms as well as erosion. Clearly, mangroves play a consequential role in our world; without them it’s safe to say many ecosystems, species, and humans would be thrown into havoc. 

How are organizations striving to protect mangroves? 

UNESCO is one such organization that is committed to preserving and protecting mangroves.  The organization has included mangroves in biosphere reserves and heritage sites in order to prevent crucial mangroves from being eradicated.  In addition, UNESCO is engaged at the scientific and policy levels to help keep mangroves alive, especially as they are blue carbon ecosystems, which means they store carbon underwater. 

UNESCO BMW’s Involvement

UNESCO Body and Wellness Mind Club is deeply dedicated to preserving the serene balance present in nature around us as it represents the inner peace that humanity strives for. One of our organization’s main goals is ecosystem stewardship. As such, we have organized multiple gardening, ‘Adopt-A-Road’, and eco-adventure programs to better protect our ecosystem and to inspire a new generation of eco-warriors. As mangroves are an invaluable part of the ecosystem, UNESCO BMW celebrated this day last year and will continue to do so in the future as mangroves continue to promote balance in the rapidly evolving ecosystems.


Our vision mission encompasses three main goals that are also in line with this occasion today and engage people of all ages, especially the youth-improvement of the inner ecosystem, enhancement of inner creativity through arts and crafts and, lastly, encouragement of inner peace on a global level.

Informational Sources:,help%20bind%20and%20build%20soils.

By: Rithvik Gujjula