women's day

What is International Women’s Day?

Every year on March 8th, International Women’s Day is more than just a celebration. It’s a worldwide movement honoring the political, cultural, economic, and social accomplishments of women. International Women’s Day is a day dedicated to highlighting female power. However, it goes beyond simple back pats. It serves as a forum for bringing attention to problems including gender inequality, glass ceilings, and violence against women. Communities, organizations, and people together in celebration, education, and advocacy for constructive change. International Women’s Day events range widely, from large-scale conferences to neighborhood protests. Marches in favor of women’s rights, exhibits honoring female leaders, and fundraising occasions for charities that target women may be observed. The globe comes together with hands, voices, and deeds to build a future that is more welcoming. 

Themes for 2024 

There are actually two key themes associated with International Women’s Day in 2024:

1. “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress” is UN Women’s official theme:

This theme, which is supported by UN Women, emphasizes how important financial investments are to the advancement of gender equality.  UN Women’s official theme draws attention to the necessity of increasing funding for important initiatives, including empowering women economically, putting an end to violence against women, and enhancing women’s leadership and involvement in decision-making.

2. International Women’s Day Campaign Theme: “Inspire Inclusion”:

The International Women’s Day website highlights the significance of creating a more inclusive world for women on this subject. It inspires people and institutions to promote inclusivity by highlighting the accomplishments of varied women, confronting prejudices, and providing chances for women to actively engage in all facets of society. The ultimate goal of International Women’s Day campaign themes, which are relevant and related, is to speed up the transition to a future where women and girls enjoy greater equity.

2024-Celebration at UNESCO BMW – March 10, 12:PM N.Y.

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On 10th March, 2024, we are celebrating International Women’s Day at the UNESCO Center !

We are absolutely thrilled to be your guide through this exciting journey of empowerment and inspiration Before we get started let me share a little insight into UNESCO BMW’s mission. We’re all about cultivating mental and emotional wellness among youth, empowering them to become drivers of positive change in their communities.
But that’s not all! We’re also passionate about promoting peace, advocating for gender equality, and championing environmental sustainability. Together, we’re on a mission to make the world a better place for everyone. This year’s theme for the international women’s day is, ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress,’ perfectly aligns with our mission, and it is a fantastic opportunity to recognize and appreciate the incredible contributions of women across the globe in all walks of life. On this broadcast today, in honor of women’s day We’ll have 7 sessions including 4 guest speakers, we’re all about how women are rocking the world throughout history and their amazing contributions, As we battle the stresses of life, its necessary prioritizing our mental health as it influences our attitudes, behaviors, and moods. We’ll talk about some powerful women today for their resilience in overcoming mental health challenges and for their ability to inspire positive social change in their communities.

UNESCO Involvement 

UNESCO seeks to support people in overcoming obstacles and realizing their important role in preserving the diversity of the world’s ecological and cultural environment by promoting body, mind, and heart wellbeing through appreciation of our surroundings.  UNESCO BMW is a revolutionary, UNESCO-affiliated organization that promotes inner peace and self-awareness among generations by applying physical, emotional, and mental balance. BMW was established with the common goal of utilizing unconventional sources for art and culture from all

surrounding us to bolster, steady, and enhance the international community. We work together with both individuals and collectives for harmony and peace. 

The world has become the lovely place it is now because of the unwavering commitment and efforts of women. The accomplishments of women have been acknowledged on a political, social, cultural, and economic level. Still, an immense amount of work needs to be done. Our society isn’t all that lovely because misogyny is still a widespread issue that leads to unpleasant problems like cyber-bullying with a bias, educational inequity, and—most horrifying of all—sexual harassment and assault. Because of this, the main goals of Women’s Day are to increase public awareness of gender inequity, women’s rights, and abuse of women.


Our vision and mission encompass three main goals that are also in  line with this occasion today and engage people of all ages, especially the youth improvement of the inner ecosystem, enhancement of inner creativity through arts and crafts, the environment, and, lastly, inner peace.

By Labiba Tahia. 

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