nelson mandela day

What is Nelson Mandela International Day?

Born on July 18th 1918, Nelson Mandela was one of the world’s greatest human rights activists and peacemakers, winning not only the Nobel Peace Prize but also the hearts of millions of people across South Africa and the world. He played a pivotal role in the termination of racial segregation (apartheid) in South Africa and later on became its first Black president. As such, Nelson Mandela Day is not simply a commemoration of Nelson Mandela, but also a celebration of his profound ideals of justice and equality that have indelibly changed the world. 

History of Nelson Mandela

From his youth, Mandela was deeply involved in the South African struggle against apartheid. As a leader for the Youth League of the ANC, he would campaign across the country to raise support for the noble cause of anti-apartheid. He was often on the radar of unjust authorities for his opposition against segregation policies such as the pass laws. Eventually, he was arrested in 1963 and was released much later in 1990. However, during his time in jail, he became globally known for his bravery and determination to resist the apartheid regime despite surviving in hellish conditions. Oftentimes, authorities offered him freedom in exchange for an end to his activism, but he selflessly refused such offers. Mandela’s relentless hope, in spite of the many challenges that came his way — persecution, tuberculosis, and imprisonment — inspired individuals from all over the world to condemn apartheid. 

Finally, the apartheid ended peacefully and South Africa became a nonracial democracy, with Nelson Mandela winning the people’s vote as the first democratically elected President in South Africa. However, Mandela did not stop there. He went on to establish the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, with the intent of improving the lives of those who had been harmed by the segregation system. Till his death in 2013, Mandela was actively involved with social justice and conflict resolution groups such as the Nelson Mandela Foundation, as he believed in doing whatever he could for the greater good. Needless to say, his efforts have not only impacted the whole of South Africa but the world as well. 

Celebrating Nelson Mandela 

In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly officially declared Nelson Mandela’s birthday, July 18th, as Nelson Mandela International Day, in order to encourage people to be pioneers of change just like Nelson Mandela himself was. A common tradition on this day is to spend at least 67 minutes doing something for the good of society, just as Mandela himself spent 67 years of his life changing the world for good. Here are some ways to promote positive change in our daily lives in order to celebrate Nelson Mandela:

  1. An easy way to encourage change is by showing support towards the many nonprofits that are dedicated to noble causes with the usage of the common hashtags of #mandeladay or #actionagainstpoverty on social media.
  2. Mandela himself believed that collective effort was necessary to fight poverty. As such, donating clothes, books, or money to charities that support impoverished families and children will go a long way to help this cause. Encouraging others to do the same will make the efforts more collective, and thus more successful.
  3. The Nelson Mandela Foundation has declared that their goal for the 2019 – 2029 decade is focused on growing nutritious foods in order to feed communities worldwide as well as drastically reduce global warming. Eco-friendly activities such as growing plants at home or supporting local farmers and gardeners by buying their products can contribute to achieving this goal. 

While these efforts may seem small, the most successful way to bring positive change in the world is to start with ourselves. Moreover, it’s only appropriate to celebrate the pioneer who changed the world by bringing that positive change to the world ourselves. In the words of Mandela himself, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

UNESCO BMW’S Involvement

UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club is one such non-profit organization that is actively involved in bringing positive change to the world. From our ecosystem stewardship, to our inner peace programs, our organization aims to not only enhance the natural environment around us, but also to develop our inner being through spirituality and meditation. Our mission is to promote sustainability programs, the expression of the arts and culture, and the development of healthy and self-aware individuals amongst the future generations; all of which can generate positive change that will lead to world peace.


Our vision is to share and preserve the cultural and artistic heritage from around the world along with facilitating respect for Mother Earth all of which is supported by inner peace through meditation with free mentoring. UNESCO BMW is entirely nonprofit and aims to promote inner peace practices, encouragements of arts and crafts as well as protection of the ecosystem. Support us by donating and becoming a member of the organization, or by registering as a volunteer

By Kriti
