
What is World Population Day?

Established by the United Nations in 1989, World Population Day is an annual observance held on July 11th to draw attention to the pressing global issues associated with population growth and its impact on various aspects of society. The objective of this day is to highlight the significance of population dynamics in sustainable development & to advocate for policies and initiatives that are necessary to address these human phenomena. It aims to foster understanding of the delicate balance of population trends, such as population growth, urbanization, migration, and demographic shifts, and their implications for social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The Importance of World Population Day

World Population Day holds great importance as it serves as a global reminder of the critical issues surrounding population growth and its impact on society. By focusing attention on population dynamics, this observance highlights the need for sustainable development that encompasses reproductive health, gender equality, education, and healthcare. It brings us to understand the importance of informed decision-making regarding family planning, addresses social and economic disparities, and encourages governments and organizations to consider population dynamics when forming their policies. World Population Day plays a vital role in raising public awareness, fostering dialogue, and inspiring individuals towards creating a more equitable and prosperous world for present and future generations. It serves as a platform to advocate for the well-being of individuals, the empowerment of communities, and the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

UNESCO BMW’s Involvement

UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club (BMW) actively engages in activities that foster awareness, diversity, and inclusion in our population. One such major outreach that is provided by our organization, is our steps towards bolstering women’s empowerment. Historically, women have often been overshadowed in political decision making and other such important avenues. It is important for us to speak up and help women all over the globe to express their voice. Simultaneously, this also applies to today’s youth. More often than not, young people have been pressured against speaking their minds simply due to their age and supposed lack of “experience.” With this in mind, UNESCO BMW is keen on providing the youth of today with the opportunity to grow and thrive in today’s world, thus ensuring balance in our evolving and growing population


Our vision mission encompasses three main goals that are also in line with this occasion today and engage people of all ages, especially the youth-improvement of the inner ecosystem, enhancement of inner creativity through arts and crafts and, lastly, encouragement of inner peace on a global level.


World Population Day serves as a global reminder of the challenges and opportunities presented by population dynamics. The event encourages individuals, organizations, and governments to recognize positive change and the importance of addressing population-related issues to ensure a sustainable and inclusive future for generations to come. UNESCO BMW’s involvement in this global initiative underscores our organization’s commitment to create a world where all individuals can have access to education, healthcare, and the resources needed to make informed decisions about their lives. By actively participating in World Population Day, we can contribute to building a more prosperous and equitable world for generations to come.

~ By: Anshu Kale 
