UNESCO BMW uses the time-tested platform of the Talking Circle:

Each attendee will have a chance to share if so desired and whatever is shared in the circle stays in the circle; after the sharing, we do an inner peace meditation.

Curriculum for Talking Circle:

UNESCO BMW uses the time-tested platform of the Talking Circle as follows:

Review ground rules with participants. For example:

  • Participants gather in a circle
  • Everyone’s contribution is equally important

  • State what they feel or believe starting with for example ‘I feel or I believe …’
  • Each attendee will have a chance to share if so desired and whatever is shared in the circle stays in the circle
  • When it is that person’s turn to share his or her thoughts, they are NOT to be interruption until they say they are ready to yield to the next person or 5 minutes has expired
  • Whoever is holding the talking stick has the right to speak and others have the responsibility to listen exclusively without interruption and in a non-judgmental way
  • Saying “I Pass in Sharing” is completely acceptable and is not to be judged
  • Speakers should feel free to express themselves in any way that is comfortable such as by sharing a story, personal life experience, and so on
  • After everything has been expressed by the participants, we offer all our topics to the care of Mother Earth and then we will go into a guided inner peace practice to take us beyond all of our life’s drama
  • Printed handouts will be available after each class for the inner peace practice component