The history of the International Day of Tolerance can be traced back to 1996, when the United Nations General Assembly established November 16 to be the International Day of Tolerance by approving Resolution 51/95.

This action was taken following the adoption of a Declaration of Principles on Tolerance by UNESCO Member States on November 16, 1995. Tolerance, according to the Declaration, is neither indulgence nor apathy.

It is a reverence and regard for a diverse spectrum of civilizations, modes of expression, and ways of expressing humanity. Tolerance acknowledges people’s fundamental liberties and inherent rights. Because individuals are innately diverse, only tolerance can ensure the existence of mixed-race UNESCO Involvement

Every year, UNESCO commemorates the Day by disseminating information about projects and activities related to the year’s theme. The significance of celebrating the day is to raise awareness about tolerance and its impact on cultures and socio-economic groups. Tolerance should be promoted on both personal as well as professional level to make the world a better place to live.

The role of UNESCO BMW

UNESCO BMW is an innovative, UNESCO-affiliated organization that uses physical, emotional, and mental balance to encourage inner peace and self-awareness across generations. BMW was established with the shared purpose of using unorthodox sources of art and culture from all around us to strengthen, stabilize, and improve the global society. We collaborate with individuals and groups with the goal of producing works of traditional art and craft that stand for peace and harmony.

UNESCOS’s Vision

Our vision mission encompasses three main goals that are also in line with this occasion today and engage people of all ages, especially the youth-improvement of the inner ecosystem, enhancement of inner creativity through arts and crafts and lastly, encouragement of inner peace on a global level.

On the International Day of Tolerance, we at UNESCO BMW identify the growing threat posed by those who intend to divide and work towards strengthening the culture of tolerance.

Let us pledge to promote a path that is solely based on mutual understanding, dialogue, and social cohesion. According to UNESCO, since there is diversity of individuals, only tolerance can guarantee the existence of mixed communities all over the world. In the current era of globalization, where individuals from all communities coexist, peace and harmony are critical. A society where each person is valued and respected is one that has been built on the foundation of tolerance.

Author: Tanya