Author: Pranathi
Sep 15 2022
As a high schooler taking higher-level classes, there have been many times when I have felt like I wasn’t able to keep up with my academics, especially while trying to balance everything out with my extracurriculars and personal life as well. If you ever find yourself in this situation and it is seriously affecting your life in a negative way, try out these studying tips that may help you get back on track:
• Make a to-do list / use a planner
This seems obvious, but speaking from personal experience, it will help you stay organized. Additionally, at least for me, when I finish a task and cross it off, I feel really accomplished and it motivates me to keep going.
• Listen to music
This one isn’t necessarily universally applicable, but personally I find that my homework gets done way faster and seems less boring when I pop my earbuds in. It also helps me focus by tuning out any background noise. Whether it’s lo-fi, rap or pop, this could potentially have a positive impact on your studying, so be sure to try it out!
• Take care of your body
Sometimes you may feel like you need to stay up until late at night to get your work, you should try to target for an average of eight hours of sleep a day. It may seem unrealistic, but when you sleep more, not only will you feel more refreshed, you will also remember more because your brain stores memories while you’re in deep sleep. Eating healthy and staying hydrated is also super helpful!
• Take regular breaks
No matter how much work you have to do, you should always take breaks. Focusing on something for too long isn’t beneficial and once you come back to the task with a cleared mind, it also helps you feel more motivated and ready to re-tackle it. Your break could be going outside and taking a five-minute walk, or just sitting back from your desk and staring into space, your choice!
• Meditation
This is actually a way that I take breaks throughout the day, and unlike what you may think, it doesn’t mean going to the Himalayas and performing penance for years on end. This is just sitting back from my work and trying to block out all my thoughts for a few minutes. Coming out of meditation, I feel like a completely new person with a refreshed outlook on life and that’s no exaggeration! Try it out for yourself at https://wemeditate.org
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