Neighborhood Sun will donate $100 to UNESCO BMW each time someone uses our UNIQUE LINK to sign up for community solar. It only takes 5 minutes to sign-up for affordable clean energy and start saving on each electric bill, so what are you waiting for? When you subscribe to community solar, you can save money on each electric bill, support equitable access to renewable energy, and UNESCO-BMW will receive a $100 donation on your behalf.

Signing up for community solar is hassle-free and it comes with lots of benefits.

  • NO costs, only savings
  • NO installations or rooftop panels
  • NO need to change your utility provider
  • NO hidden fees
  • SAVE 5-30% on each monthly electric bill 
  • Neighborhood Sun will donate $100 to UNESCO-BMW in your name

Savings depend on your local solar farm project, and Low- and Moderate- Income subscribers receive the highest discounts. Community Solar isn’t a third-party energy supplier arrangement. It’s a State program that incentivizes subscribers to source clean energy from local solar farms with savings on electricity bills. 

Who is Neighborhood Sun?

Neighborhood Sun is a small business in Maryland that has been recognized as a national leader when it comes to promoting energy equity and expanding access to solar. As a Certified B Corp and people-powered business, Neighborhood Sun meets the highest social and environmental standards by truly connecting with and investing in the communities it serves through local partnerships, events and community support programs like the S.H.A.R.E.™ program and Neighbor Benefit Fund. Neighborhood Sun is our partner because they value customers and community over profit and are working to fight climate change and support underserved communities.

What is Community Solar?

Community solar connects residents and businesses with solar farms that are off-site but still local to communities, bringing solar power to to renters and homeowners alike. Anybody who pays an electric bill can subscribe to a solar farm in their area and receive the clean energy at a reduced price from their “share” of the farm– all without changing utility companies, installing any equipment, or paying any upfront fees.

How does it work? 

All you have to do is subscribe to shared solar through Neighborhood Sun, and then you’ll see your electric utility credit your bill with “solar credits” for the amount of electricity that is produced by the solar block to which you signed up. Your utility company will still be delivering your electricity, but now you can know you’re helping yourself and the planet with each electric bill by getting affordable clean energy!

When you sign up for community solar, you get more than just savings.

  • Lock in a convenient, lower rate for your electricity. With Neighborhood Sun’s subscription there are no surprises, no rate hikes, no risks!
  • Be a member of a strong community of local solar supporters. To Neighborhood Sun, that means bringing people together while helping our planet!  We can’t solve climate change unless everyone is involved, not just the select few.

Neighborhood Sun will be your consumer advocate and your solar champion in the community–they’ll be on your side every step of the way.