Published Books
The book “If I could” was written by Zohreh Rezazadeh “Zo.Re.”
Dear All,
I am so happy to let you know that UNESCO BMW recently published a book for children. This book has been already published in French and Persian languages also and will be soon ready be published in Spanish and Italian languages. It is available on Amazon in 2 format versions: paperback at the cost of $ 9.99 and Kindle e-book at $ 2.99.
Your purchase goes to help our UNESCO BMW mission for peace, encouragement of art and craft and protection of the ecosystem.
With a special thank to Elena Agarwal who illustrated this book!
Zohreh Rezazadeh

The book “Memories of a Leaf” was written by Zohreh Rezazadeh “Zo.Re.”
We all go through a culmination of rough times to finally learn about ourselves and life as a precious gift. I believe today that life is something between tragedies and hopes, desperations and good wishes, a killing duality that teaches you only one precious thing: be grateful and go beyond!

Latest Workshops
UNESCO BMW has done a number of interactive workshops for children at libraries and plays under the open sky at the sky stage.

Children make the re-construction of the book “If I Could”
Latest Poems
The Silk Thread (extract from “Memories of a leaf”)
God places a silk thread in your hand and says to you, “If you want to see me, follow this thread.” With just the desire to see him, you follow that long silky thread. You start an unknown trip to an unknown destination.
You walk and walk until you start to feel tired. You want to stop somewhere to have some water and something to eat. In that unknown desert, it looks impossible, but all of a sudden you find in front of you a caravansary. An ancient place created for travelers to stay appears to you like a mirage.
You can feel a cool breeze coming from inside as soon as you arrive at its threshold. Pausing on the cool heavy stone floor, covered with a beautiful Persian rug, you slowly move toward a turquoise pond to refresh your feet in its canal. Breathing deep into your lungs, you can feel the freshness of the air mix with the water vapor. You take advantage of the fresh running water and wash your face. Everything emanates of joy and warmth at the same time. The harmonious dance of goldfish in the water captures your eyes and you feel lost in that beauty. You let water run on your arms and head, getting ready for namaz, your daily prayer to God almighty. You go toward the main hall, passing through ghahve khane, a coffee shop, stepping up on a large, tall, well-curved stone; nobody is there but you.
You sit and wait. There are long reddish curtains that divide the courtyard from the hall. They give a vitality and readiness to face life, creating a vivid contrast with the turquoise of the pond. The movement of the fountain and the gray stones of the floor invite you to stay still and calm.
Just then, a man with a yellow shawl around his waist enters. He wears a long white tunic and pants of the same color. He leaves his loose old boots of cotton at the foot of the steps, rushing to offer you a soft cotton towel. You take it with a sense of gratitude, and dry your hands and face with it. You feel the urge to ask, “Where am I?”
Hassan Agha (1), this huge and strong man, invites you to sit and replies, “Yazd Baba!”
His soft voice assures you and you sit, leaning into huge, colorful cushions. Hassan Agha places hot tea in a transparent glass in front of you and invites you to enjoy it. The aroma of that bergamot tea is astonishing. He offers another small tray with different glass bowls of hard sugar, candies, and baklava.
In all these simple offers, you feel the flow of love and attention toward you. Even the earth, under those huge cushions, is taking away a burden from you. You feel at home! You raise your head with a sense of gratitude in your heart and notice the huge dome of the ceiling, made of mud and straw, with white inserts of gypsum. All together this creates a magnificent and spiritual atmosphere. You feel no need to sweeten your black tea. In surrender and trust, you close your eyes and listen to
Hassan Agha narrate the story of Iran, the land of ancient Persia… Hassan Agha is one of the sons of Imam Ali and Fatimah. He is also the reincarnation of Archangel Gabriel. His outfit is symbolically yellow, representing the right channel. His role is to announce the and to give knowledge.
Try To Be (extract from “Memories of a leaf”)
“Cercare di essere” is a common saying in Italy.
They recognize the way to survive through the dangerous games of life.
I know the path of joy has always been there for us;
It is us that must try to walk on it and to dig into it:
Under the skin of life is only joy.
I am grateful.
In love with life.
Living in the wind.
Flying with the wind.
I am the wind.
On the green hills I stay
Under a sanctuary in clay
Into the river,
Stopping behind a rock,
Staring at a new stem of algae on the white calcites of the bridge,
I stay and watch
The cascades of light mixed with dews,
I caress the grains of sand in my mouth.
I swallow life in all its aspects
I stay,
I watch
I exist, not lost!
Latest Workshop