We intend to answer these questions at a multidisciplinary conference during which academics and researchers will share scientific evidence resulting from their own studies on this subject, followed by a panel discussion with the public and business owners. All this will be of great help to support business owners and to inspire the students of business departments of local colleges
Ecosystem as the way to bring people’s awareness from gross to subtle:
- Recycling/Re-using, compost
- Eco-friendly choices in their personal, work, social, global life
- Respect for Mother Earth as the way of self-respect by understanding about the elements in their nature that are so intelligent: soil, water, air, light, ether, vibrations
Some samples of how to put in act all above:
- Video interviews of people of any age (for under 18 with parents’ authorization for videoing and broadcasting) on mainly the below questions:
– What does friendship/caring mean for you in your personal life?
– What does friendship/caring mean for you in your social/global life?
– Why is peace important?
– How can we achieve peace personally/globally?
– Do you know about UNESCO BMW?
– Would you like to be friends with them?
– Traditional farming and Hydroponics as a way to create connection with Mother Earth and to equably distribute food worldwide - Connecting artists and business people with the same mindset
- Understanding the world of Alternative Energy Technologies by inviting experts to our programs
- Clay 3-D Printing Construction as a cost effective and healthy paradigm for future construction
- Allopathic, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Medicines as a way toward inner balance and harmony
Some of Lectures

2016 – 2017