Marchitelli’s Kitchen
As the son of an Italian Chef, my knack for preparing and serving aesthetically pleasing and good tasting food comes naturally to me. My cooking style is very intuitive in nature and is only loosely bound to recipes. All of my dishes use fresh organic ingredients whenever possible and I only cook with high temperature resistant avocado oil. Virgin olive oil is reserved as a final touch to cook foods or as a salad dressing. And my secret for good taste is using a balanced proportion of mix of herbs and spices such as dried garlic and onion, oregano, thyme, basil, parsley, Himalayan salt and marjoram.
An additional forte of mine is composing immune boosting herbal teas. Most recently, I have developed a tea mixture that is anti-viral in nature and is perfect for the present climate we are in with viral attacks such as Covid-19.
I have started a collection of pictures of some of my dishes. I will add to them over time. Please write to me with your comments, questions or feedback. Just click here!

Marchitelli’s Blog
Nature’s Peace
Nature is truly healing and I find that another, additional way to commune with it is to watch and witness its grandeur and absorb it in the witness state of the present moment without having to do anything with it, i.e. grabbing messages or formulating conclusions. The freedom in this is truly beyond compare and is of universal heart expansion and oneness.

Cornish Game Hens
Stuffed with wild rice/date stuffing
Verbiage for food plate
Mixed sauteed vegetables with organic spring onion & egg half sandwich

Farfalle (Bowtie) Pasta with Sardines and Chicken Sausage:
Other ingredients: onion sauté, blanched broccoli, organic Italian herbal seasoning mix with organic garlic powder. Dish presentation garnished with whole sweet peppers and fresh tomato slices