Why do we mark International Days?
International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources, to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity.
As UNESCO BMW, following the foot print of UN and UNESCO, we focus on 4 special celebrations:
Autumn September Global Peace, Social Justice and Personal Health
Winter November Children/Youth for Ecosystem with enhancement smart Sustainable Jobs
Summer May Dialogue and Cultural diversity with Exhibitions and Workshops
Spring March Women‘s empowerment Day

- This event has passed.
Meditation for Life’s Chaos – June 2022
June 18, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – June 26, 2022 @ 8:00 pm
For teens & young adults
9 Day Meditation Program
18 – 26 June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
* This event has ended. You can watch all the recordings below.*
Welcome from Zohreh Rezazadeh –
President of UNESCO Body and Mind Wellness CLUB

Event recordings

Daily sessions & recordings
Daily topics, with a description of each session, and daily sessions recording are below.
Day 1 – Unlocking the Inner Peace & Mental Health | Saturday 18th June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will understand and experience the presence of a motherly energy within us that when awakened, takes us into a state of inner peace and deep silence while tackling any mental health challenges.
Unlocking the inner peace: Meditation hosted by Daisy from Canada
This is a secular meditation whereby we awaken the inner energy that gently brings positive change within us – making us more balanced, peaceful, and joyous.
“You cannot know the meaning of your life, until you are connected to the power that created you” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Addressing mental health: Topic presented by Barnoor from India
You may have no friends. You may feel alone most of the time. You may feel things are hard and take a lot of time. You may find it difficult to be disciplined and better. You may have no one to listen to you.
Download Day 1 Presentation - Mental Heath & Unlock the Inner Peace

Day 2 – Learn the Balancing Act & Ethics | Sunday 19th June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will learn and practice the steps to bring ourselves into balance, to bring our minds dwelling in the past and future thoughts into the present which is the Thoughtless Awareness state. A balanced state that helps us in behavioural patterns and brings the best of ethics and values.
Learn to balance: Meditation hosted by Aron from Germany
Just like when a bird spreads its wings, it can traverse the skies. Only when it is in balance can it ascend. Bringing our inner being into balance, we too can rise.
“In the West we have become very speedy, no doubt, and to bring down this speed we have to use the meditative process, that we feel our peace within ourselves.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
The essence of ethics: Topic presented by Tanya from Canada
Values are essential ideas that influence or motivate people's attitudes and behaviours. They aid us in determining our priorities. (Read more about Tanya and her topic)

Day 3 – Feel the Inner Source of Joy & Transition age | Monday 20th June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will learn about the first energy center called Mooladhara chakra. We will also collectively meditate on this chakra and experience the qualities of innocence and joy within us. The experience helps us to take care of the emotional and mental challenges of the teenage years.
Innocence is the source of Pure Joy - Meditation hosted by Nikhil from USA
We will focus on the first energy center, the Mooladhara Chakra. In Sanskrit, “Mooladhara” means support of the roots. This chakra is the base of the subtle system. Its innate qualities are joy, innocence, and wisdom.
“This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your realisation, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Transition age. Topic presented Pranathi from USA
The teenage years can be a hard time for all of us. Our bodies start changing, we get so many more responsibilities both in and outside of school, and our emotions start taking control over us. We don’t understand where we fit in, whether we’re still kids or should act like adults.

Day 4 – Be the Change & Health and Nutrition | Tuesday 21st June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will introduce you to a very important cleansing activity called Foot Soak (soaking your feet in the Salt water). This helps to clear our chakras to bring calmness to our being. We will also discuss the positive effects of meditation on our overall Physical Health.
Be the change. Hosted by Raman from Belarus
We’ll do a foot soak to help clear the Swadisthana, Nabhi chakras, and Void area. In this guided meditation, we experience our own innate qualities of satisfaction, generosity, and inner peace. We cultivate our ability to steady and clean our attention.
“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Health and Nutrition. Topic presented by Dev from India
Nutrition is a basic human need and a prerequisite for a healthy life. Good nutrition is essential in keeping current and future.

Day 5 – Power of Witnessing & Social Media | Wednesday 22nd June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will know and experience the qualities of the Visuddhi chakra, that when awakened helps us to be in a witness state. We will also learn how being a witness especially in this social media world.
Power of Witnessing. Hosted by Raman from Belarus
We will put our attention on the Vishuddhi Chakra to strengthen our sense of self-respect and respect for others.
“Be patient with yourself and with others.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Social media Use/Misuse. Topic presented by Elena from Italy
Is it easy, nowadays with all the media pushing toward "perfect image", being truthful to our-self? We feel so fragile with this not reality, but is there any choice? Sure, there is!

Day 6 – Let Go and Love & Positive Youth Development | Thursday 23rd June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will learn about the Heart and Agnya chakra. We will also learn about meditating on these 2 chakras and how the innate qualities of these chakras help us get rid of our grudges and open our hearts to all our friends, families, and to the world.
Let go and Love. Meditation hosted by Ilya from Israel
We will put our attention on the Heart and Agnya chakra. Opening of our Heart Chakra helps to manifest our innate qualities of love, the sense of security, and fearlessness. To open the Agnya Chakra, let’s learn to forgive.
“If there is a disappointment, just smile at it and know it is for your good. “We have to be tolerant with others and accept all the differences.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Positive Youth Development - Topic presented by Sara from USA
Trust me, I've held grudges, gone into a deep depression, and even fallen down the rabbit hole of self-pity. However, recently, I've learned some things to boost my own well-being and self-love. Here are some tips in this session.

Day 7 – Being Self-Aware & Youth opportunity | Friday 24th June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
In this session, we will learn to meditate on the seventh chakra called Sahasrara chakra. To keep your attention on the Sahasrara all the time, helps to avoid overindulgence and also being self-aware
Being Self Aware. Meditation hosted by Adrija from India
We will introduce the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of our heads where we connect to the self-awareness and a new dimension of consciousness. Our complete subtle instrument is integrated in the Sahasrara chakra. We go beyond the relative to the absolute.
“The rationality that is separated from the heart becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with your attention.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Youth Opportunity. Topic presented by Nikhil from USA
Being self-aware of my goal and interest allows me not only to prepare for the rigours of school work but also allow me to envision possible future jobs. However, it is meditation that allows me to pursue this goal. And it is only through meditation which allows me to stay focused and aware of my plan of moving forward into medicine.

Day 8 – New awareness & Bully | Saturday 25th June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
This session will learn the tips and tricks of integrating our newly learned meditation capabilities in our daily life to tackle some of the pressing problems and chaos around us. We will particularly focus on the Bullying problem and how to respond to it.
Integrating our new awareness into our daily life. Meditation hosted by TBA
We will introspect on how our subtle state connects to our daily life and patterns of behaviour. We enhance the experience of meditation by going deeper into the silence within us and solve our challenges in daily life.
“Now this happening of achieving thoughtless awareness is very simple and easy. But to maintain that point is difficult. We still react and we think. Try to witness everything…. You start enjoying everything that is there. Even a small blade of grass you can enjoy.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Bullying. Topic presented by Akula from India
Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. Bullying has three criteria…

Day 9 – This Is Just the Beginning & Family & Community Engagement | Sunday 26th June 2022 • 7pm to 8pm (New York time)
This is just the beginning. Meditation hosted by TBA
In our last session of this series, we integrate all that we have learned. We look within ourselves and see how much we have grown in our awareness. You’ll find out what comes after this course to continue further with your journey in meditation and your relationships. If you have missed a few sessions, don’t worry because this entire course is available on the UNESCO BMW course website at
“Love is the life-giving force of the family. It binds, nourishes and sustains the family.” — Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Are you listening? Topic presented by Kelowna of Canada
The best help young people can get from their families is being listened to! Join our UNESCOBMW for world inner peace. Thank you!

About the Event
In light of the unsettling reality that our youth are going through, the USA government considers it important to address the issues of youth, and thus created a special website called “Youth.Gov”.
Read more About the Event
In light of the unsettling reality that our youth are going through, the USA government considers it important to address the issues of youth, and thus created a special website called “Youth.Gov”.
We all are responsible to look after our teens and young adults, as a special and vibrant power of every country. Because of that, UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club (UNESCO BMW), in collaboration with Sahaja Yoga Meditation (SYM), is pleased to invite you to a 9 Day online program “Meditation for Life’s Chaos” as one of the ways to face and solve the problems of our youth from their own interior and innate resources.
Since 2014, UNESCO BMW, a registered non-profit organization and member of the US Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (USFUCA), promotes inner peace practices, encouragement of arts and crafts, as well as the protection of the Eco-system in order to create Eco-friendly jobs.
SYM is a registered non-profit organization. Internationally, SYM is practiced in over 100 countries and includes participants of all ages, races, genders, and ethnicities. Students practising SYM reported a marked improvement in their memory, concentration, and self-esteem. It has also enabled them to develop their natural strengths and abilities.
We would like to offer a taste of these benefits by conducting free 60-minute sessions for nine consecutive days, for teens and young adults, on how to meditate. The program will focus on youth issues such as mental health, social media use/misuse, bullying etc. This instructional program would be free of charge and includes an introduction to the issues followed by a guided meditation with music and a Q&A session. This is a part of UNESCO BMW’s initiatives. Through the use of very simple meditation techniques, one can find that peace is not merely a concept, but an inner state that can be easily and spontaneously reached. The objective is that each participant can experience a state of mental silence, as a gateway to stress relief and inner peace.
Participants with full attendance in the program will be provided attendance certificates from UNESCO BMW.
- Guided meditations with simple techniques to help reduce stress and find peace within.
- Tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home.
- Sessions suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators.
- No prior knowledge or experience of meditation required.
- No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required.
- Join in at anytime, even if you’ve missed some sessions.
Youth Pioneers
As part of the “Meditation for Life’s Chaos” 9 Day Meditation June 2022 Program, these global youth pioneers provide insight into topics that may affect many people in achieving inner peace.
Presentation Team
The 9 Day Meditation Program team comprises of moderators, musicians and lead meditators from USA and other countries. Please checkout each team member’s profile below.